
The Educational Achievement Gap Between Minorities And Non Minorities

Good Essays

Race in America is and has always been an enormous deal and a focal point in America and of many educational studies. Many studies have researched the educational achievement gap between minorities and non-minorities. I rather refer to it as the educational debt we as educators owe those students, this study looks at the idea of having more teachers of color in hopes to pay our debt of education back to these minority students. I surveyed over 100 minority students to gauge their attitudes concerning learning, motivation, confidence and much more to see how it differs from their minority teacher class and their non-minority teacher class. I also looked at grades of 20 students and was able to view a survey done about my class compared to …show more content…

Therefore, the only thing I could think of is my race. I am one of very few African Americans on the campus and one of few African American male teachers in the school district. Although most schools in the district have over 90% minority students, which is not the case when it comes to the numbers of minority educators in the classroom.
This is not just a problem in my school district or just in California but one seen across the nation. Today in the United States minority students have actually become the majority in the classroom. With this change, there has not been any uptick of teachers of color. One place where there is a great disparity is Boston, for every 52 Latino students there is only one Hispanic teacher, and one black teacher for every 22 African American students (Rich, 2015). This is not a new problem or one that can be fixed with just money, a stroke of a pen or with this study but will take a number of things to happen. Many studies have cited for years the importance of role models for minority students but for some reason, they still do not have these role models and it is not concrete that these role models will help produce a positive effect on the learning abilities of minority students.
The idea that a stroke of a pen or in other words policy, could add more teachers of color and instantly close the “gap”. This idea has led to call for mass recruitment of minority teachers (see, for example,

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