
The Effect Of Bovine Growth Hormone Injections On Cows

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According to Purdue University the United States is responsible for the production of over 20 billion gallons of milk per year. This milk is either pasteurized and sold or further manufactured into other forms of dairy such as cream cheese or ice cream. Many Americans have an unrealistic dream of where their milk is produced; a grassy farm where the cows are able to roam freely and be milked by hand. However, this is not the reality in America. Today, most dairy farms use machinery to milk their cows and often leave them in cramped spaces. In order to increase the amount of milk a cow produces, farmers have started to treat their cows with bovine growth hormone. Because of this practice many arguments have come up to stop the use of Bovine Growth Hormone injections in cows. This is due to the alleged side effects this milk is said to produce; for example cancer or antibiotic insensitivity. This leaves anyone who drinks milk is potentially susceptible to these effects. The FDA gives details of the biology of Bovine Growth Hormone. Bovine Growth Hormone is naturally found in all animals, including humans, and enhances growth, development and health maintenance. It was discovered that by injecting cows with the hormone, found in the pituitary gland, then their milk production would increase. In the 1980’s it became possible to mass produce the hormone. Monsanto, Eli Lilly, Upjohn, and American Cyanamid are the four companies that marketed bovine growth hormone. Monsanto

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