
The Effect Of Chlorine On Water Drinking Water Treatment

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The chlorine demand is the amount of chlorine used in reacting (killing) with harmful microorganisms (living cells) and other organic and inorganic substances. When the chlorine demand has been satisfied, the reactions stop. However, the raw water taken from lakes and streams for drinking water treatment is tending to have a high chlorine demand due to the presence of natural organic material such as decaying plant and animal matter. Groundwater, normally contains far lower levels of organic matter. Thus has a low chlorine demand. 2. What is chlorine residual? The chlorine residual is the additional amount of chlorine in the water available for disinfection as it travels through the distribution system. The chlorine residual acts as a safeguard against additional microbial contamination. Therefore the water is protected from recontamination during the storage stage. There are three forms of residual chlorine in water treatment; free residual chlorine, combined chlorine, and total chlorine (the sum of free and combined residual chlorine). 3. Why is dissolved oxygen important in water streams and lakes? The dissolved oxygen is the measurable level of free, non-compound oxygen present in water, and it is important to be measured as its influence on the organisms living within a body of water (either freshwater or wastewater). A dissolved oxygen level that is extremely high or extremely low can harm aquatic life and affect aesthetic water quality. Oxygen is a necessary

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