
The Effect Of Water On The Soil Of Soil And Soil

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Also known as sugar snap climbing peas, pea sugar snaps are a common garden vegetables found in back yards. Pea sugar snaps take a minimum of 15 weeks to grow to full size, and 85% of the seeds will germinate. For the best results, they should be planted in Spring or Autumn because the plant needs 4-6 hours of sunlight every day. The plants can grow up to 2m long but most only grow to 1m. The pods of the plant can grow up to 8cm long and most have around 5 peas per pod.
Biochar is used in soil plots and pots. It reduces the amount of nutrient waste, and also lowers the amount of acidity in the soil. It increases the amount of water that soil can hold which improves the soil and plants overall health. It is made from fires …show more content…

Soaking seeds in epsom salts are an effective and affordable way to increase plant growth. Charlie Carp is a liquid fertiliser made from watered down minced carp. It is sprayed or watered on a garden and has many benefits for gardens. It triggers the growth of grass, enhances the soil and improves the overall health of plants.


The aim of this investigation, was to observe the effects of biochar on plant growth.


That as biochar is added to the soil, the height of the plant will increase and the plants in the soil without the biochar will decrease, assuming that the application of water and charlie carp is kept the same.


Independent variable - The presence or absence of biochar to the plant’s soil.
Dependent variable - The height of which the plants grow too.
Controlled variables - Type of seed, period of growth time, amount of light, water level and charlie carp application


22 Pea Sugar Snap (pisum sativum) seeds
22 Paddle pop sticks
Soil Plot
9L Watering Can
Charlie Carp
Large Bucket

Risk Assessment:

Ingesting or breathing in spores and bacteria - Breathing in bacteria released from plants and compost is a serious risk that should be minimised. If inhaled, members could contract Legionella longbeachae, a lung disease which is caused by breathing in particles commonly found in gardens. This risk could be minimised by all members of the research team wearing

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