
The Effect Of Workaholism On A Couple 's Marriage And Their Marital Status

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Workaholism, according to Wikipedia can be described as an addiction to work and is not same as working hard ( Numerous studies have been conducted determining the effect of workaholism on a couple’s marriage, and their marital status. These studies have revealed that there is a direct correlation between negative effects of work stress on either spouse and their marital estrangement over a course of time due to loss of intimacy, commitment and belonging of the work stressed partner to their spouse. Workaholism continues to be the driving force for pragmatic decision making, mental health problems, anxiety and even severe depression amongst today’s generation, thereby becoming an idol and replacing …show more content…

These respondents assessed their current spouse’s work habits using WART, rated their current marriage in terms of emotional closeness using Marital Disaffection Scale, and recorded positive affects toward their spouse if any using the Positive Feelings Questionnaire. These respondents were also asked to perform a Nowicki-Strickland locus of Control Scale on themselves. All these scales, questionnaires and Wart were contained inside the instrument packet provided to them in the mail. This study empirically investigated the marital relationships of spouses of workaholics. The findings were drawn for conclusions and their clinical implications were presented (Robinson et al., 2010)
The results of this study supported a prior hypothesis made that revealed a statistically large difference between spouses of workaholics and nonworkaholics. This difference was significantly large and the spouse’s struggle and trauma in putting up with their workaholics partner spoke louder than any questionnaire or study could ever speak. The results indicated egotism, domestic physical violence, abuse, and infidelity that is becoming a shocking reality for many victimized spouses. The partners get so consumed and sucked up in their performance that they don’t even realize when their work starts taking place of their spouse and their family (Robinson et al., 2010) (Psychology Today).
The national study discussed that although emotional estrangement doesn’t necessarily lead to marital

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