
The Effects Of Child Abuse On Children

Better Essays

Senior Project
Roxanne Hyatt
English IV
1st Period

Ten thousands of children each year are traumatized by physical, sexual and emotional abusers or by care givers who deliberately harm and mistreat these precious lives. Imagine for a moment what it’s like to be in a situation where the persons you trust to care for and guide over you, are the ones that place these victims in this complex problems in which they are not able to resist from taking its course.
“According to RAINN child abuse organization child abuse is a when a perpetrator intentionally harms a minor physically, psychologically, sexually, or by acts of neglect committing such a crime that may have long lasting effects on the abused …show more content…

If the behavior are not called out inappropriate they may adjust the child to sexual activity such as accidentally exposure to pornography improving the child’s ability of wanting the abuser to undertake such act. Child abuse and molestation has been around since the existence of time, it was then until 1875 the world’s first organization devoted entirely to child protection came into existence, although widely prevalent, child abuse and molestation is widely overlooked by family members of the victims including changes of behavior patterns, delay in their physical growth, cognitive abilities and personality development. A lot of children each year are suffering from the epidemic of child abuse and molestation. Statistics by the Child Help Foundation, shows that it is a widespread war against many young children that they have to face and deal with throughout a certain time of their lives. Every year more than 3.6 million cases are made to child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children that are been abused. The United States is said to have the worst records among industrialized nations losing an average between four to seven children every day to child abuse and neglect. In 2014 state agencies identified and estimated 1,580 children who have died as a result of abuse and molestation between four to five children per day. Both young boys and girls are

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