
The Effects Of Companion Animals On College Campuses

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A giant fluffy dog walks past you as you cross the street on your college campus. You cannot help but notice him smiling up at you with his tongue half hanging out. Although you feel today has been the worst day, you cannot help but feel compelled to respond back with a big grin since he looks so happy. According to Wells (2009), “it is only recently, however, that any scientific attention has been devoted to the relationship between companion animal and physical well-being in humans.” With new information, owning a companion animal has become increasingly more popular for college student to have on their campuses. College campuses can be a hard time for many, and can drive students to be continually stressed, or to fall into depression. …show more content…

In order to conclude her results she looked at the attachment style. For Wells (2009) she concluded, “a direct causal association between human well-being and companion animals is still not conclusive, the literature reviewed above is largely supportive of the widely held belief that ‘pets are good for us.” Although she found no supportive link between the two variables, she did still see that somehow and someway animals can improve people’s lives. College students can fall under the disease category of this study since many students suffer from these conditions when times become stressful.
Friedman and Son (2009) also studied the association of companion animals and human health benefits. “An important question is whether pet ownership causes better health or better health encourages pet ownership” (Friedman and Son, 2009). After researching this question, they found that “pet owners had lower levels of cardiovascular risk factors such as serum triglyceride and blood pressure than non-owners“(Friedman and Son, 2009). They even looked at a longitudinal study that “pet ownership was associated with increased 1-year survival rates in patients hospitalized for coronary heart disease” (Friedman and Son, 2009). Their results provided a basis that the association between both variables does exist, but still needs

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