
The Effects Of Dance Therapy On Different Diseases Essay

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Introduction In recent years the interest in the effects of dance therapy on different diseases has become prominent. One of the most prominent areas of study for dance therapy is its effect on people with Parkinson’s disease. Studies have focused on the overall effect on gait, balance, social interactions, and emotional health. In order to test all of these different aspects of the studies the most used tests are the timed up-and-go test (TUG) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). There is an agreement that this area of research needs more research to become more reliable (Aguiar, da Rocha, & Morris, 2016). This paper examines the results that have already been found in order to show the need for more research in the benefits of dance for people with Parkinson’s disease.
Literature Review A recent study by Aguiar, da Rocha, and Morris (2016) took different studies on dance and Parkinson’s disease and compared the results. The studies that were compared were a multitude of different dance styles including tango and the foxtrot. The idea behind the study was to learn if the style of dance effects the outcome of the results. What they found was that these styles were safe for people who are diagnosed with mild and moderate Parkinson’s disease. The outcomes were the increase in the ability of walking and quality of life. Participants became more social through the duration of the different studies indicating that dance could affect social abilities and confidence. The different

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