
The Effects Of Facebook On Family Gathering

Decent Essays

Mock Genre Essay #3

Facebook post: Family Gathering
Had a great time at the welcome home party for my uncle Billy who just returned back from California for the first time since he left. It was only 6 months but for a family that’s as close as mine it an extremely long time. It was a great welcome home party and everyone had a good time not just my uncle.
The Facebook genre is very casual and informal. It can cover almost anything but mainly is focused on things that happen over the course of your day. Anyone that has or decides to create a Facebook account is able to participate in these posts. Facebook is not limited to any group and all people write on Facebook for their friends to read. The purpose of this genre is to …show more content…

All kinds of people use twitter as a means of communication and their tweets can be seen by their followers or people who view their profile. This genres purpose is to inform people about events in a quick and informal way. Some rhetorical device that are in this form of writing are hashtags, pictures and tags. The danger that comes with writing in this genre is that twitter lacks privacy and anyone can see what is said.

Memo to Officer Pearson
From: David Dempsey
To: Officer Pearson
Re: Speeding ticket
Date: 11-4-15

Dear Officer Pearson.
I hope you are able to enjoy this lovely weather. I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. It is not often that officers give people the chance to write back in request to waive a ticket, and for that it is greatly appreciated
Busy at work traffic not careful. Last Tuesday I was driving down Main Street and I was pulled over and received a ticket. The officer reported that I was going fifty miles per hour in a forty mile per hour speed limit.. So my day started at 6:00am when I got up to prepare and get ready for my 8:00am, I jumped in the car and was on my way to class. The traffic every day is typically bad but this day was a lot different, the traffic I experienced was like nothing I have seen in the past and I ended up getting off the highway much later than I anticipated. In a rush and caught up in the shortage of time that I had I was traveling a few miles faster than I should have

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