
The Effects Of Fall Prevention On Patient Health Outcomes Essay

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Problem Statement
Breimaier, Halfens & Lohrmann (2015) described that falls are a very common accident in the hospital, especially in the elder, people are 65year old or over. In addition, the evidence showed approximately 30% of the elder suffer a fall each year (as cited in Breimaier et al., 2014). According to Heinze, Halfens & Dassen (2007), 3.2%- 37% of inpatients fell and it depended on the department. Moreover, not all the fall prevention measure was taken to prevent fall-related injuries. Since all the research-based recommendations are not adopted and carried out, the potential positive effects of fall prevention on patient health outcomes cannot be realized. Inter-/national clinical practice guideline (CPGs) was created with scientific knowledge and one of them is the fall evidence-based guideline (the authors named it as Falls CPG) The Falls CPG was informed and delivered in all hospital setting. However, the fall prevention guideline was not applied in routine nursing practice. Therefore, the authors wanted to assess the effectiveness of implementation of CPG.
Furthermore, Breimaier et al. (2015) also addressed the financial issue in the research. As implementing a guideline, consider the cost and resources, as well as the effects of the implementation of the current budget-constrained health care system, was also important. Therefore, in this research, authors also counted the required time of application the CPG into the nursing practice.

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