
The Effects Of Juvenile Prison System On My Family

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of these types of abuse, and though efforts are being made to stop these abuses from occurring, prisoners are caught between two codes that are prevalent in lock-up: the prison’s rules and the male code (2015). The male code is enforced among the population that teaches inmates not to show weakness and not to snitch on one another, even if one is significantly harming or abusing each other (2015). In the end, a juvenile who has never been able to catch a break and has had a hard life, is virtually predestined to become a career criminal after spending time in an adult prison.

My reason for this proposal is address the impact of juvenile prison system had on my family. With the pressure from family, friends and the expectations of my parents; my brother was incarcerated at the age of seventeen years old for armed robbery. He was tried and convicted as an adult due to his criminal activity. At the time I didn’t understand his harsh punishment for his crime but I do understand it now. His actions wasn’t a minor offense; in fact it was a serious offense which could have went south if he would have killed someone. I couldn’t image in a million years that my brother would commit such a selfish and cruel act when he didn’t have a valid reason too. He was raised with both parents in the household with high profile jobs. Thirteen years later, he still don’t understand his reasoning behind his situation. I am proud to say that he is out of prison but is suffering from

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