
The Effects Of Ocean On The Ocean Essay

Decent Essays

The colorful and diverse sights that the ocean puts on for visitors is nothing short of spectacular, and underwater destinations all around the globe feature these sights. Reefs have become a popular tourist attraction all around the world because of the beautiful colors and the unique marine life that inhabits these reefs. However, these wonderful attractions are in peril and will remain so unless current trends change. The greenhouse gases humans release into the air are trapping heat and causing the ocean temperatures to rise (Emerging, 2015). However, with ocean temperatures on the rise, these beautiful sights are diminishing. Ocean water is becoming too warm for coral to survive and for other marine life to continue living comfortably. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average temperature change occurring between 1901 and 2015 was 0.13℉. Meaning, if this trend were to continue, the average ocean temperature in 2050 would be 0.195℉ higher than in 1901, which may seem minute, but impacts the ocean due to its sensitivity (Climate, 2016). Raising water temperatures will eliminate much of the coral in the oceans, thus having a domino effect on all other life on the planet, because basis for most food chains in the oceans that exists today by the year 2050. For thousands of years, civilizations have settled on coasts across the planet, inhabiting the seaside as a permanent residence. According to, more than 50 percent of the world’s

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