
The Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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In a study done 14 months after a natural disaster, depression was found to be prevalent among first responders who also were local residents of where the disaster took place. The participants were from three different groups. The first was 610 local municipality workers, the second was 421 medical workers, and the third was 327 firefighters. All were given a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicate that higher levels of depression are more significant in medical personnel versus firefighters (Sakuma, 2015)
According to research conducted by insert names here, pre-employment personality traits can easily predict posttraumatic stress symptoms among firefighters and military as the symptoms develop. Job duration and heightened level of emotional stress are also predicting traits among experienced firefighters. Police officers are considered a high-risk group where definite identifying predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder are present. Predictors that were included in the study were the following variables: intrusions, impairment-index, functioning, age and gender (Schutte, 2011). Intrusions were the significant predictor, as the officers are exposed to high-risk trauma repeatedly.
In another study in which 267 participants from a large urban fire department in the southeastern United States participated, results failed to show that levels of social support can be a predictor of the onset of PTSD (Farnsworth, 2011). A separate study

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