
The Effects Of Routine Activities On Happiness Essay

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It has been argued that happiness demonstrates significant variability across time, age, and contexts. Little research has examined the combined effects of behavior, attitudes, and lifespan development on happiness. The purpose of the study carried out by Bailey, Kang, and Schmidt (2016) was to determine the influence of leisure routine, locus of control, wisdom, and age on happiness. Leisure routines compromised social media, reflection, physical activity, time outdoors, and friends. In addition, the researchers also wanted to determine and clarify how leisure routine activities and attitudes influenced happiness at different life stages. To determine the influence of routine activities at different life stage, Bailey et al. (2016) sampled a student group and an alumni group (from the same university). The student group fell into Erik Erikson’s adolescent and young adult stages of development, identity versus role confusion and intimacy versus isolation (concerned with developing their unique identity and seeking close relationships) (Kuther, 2017, p. 13). On the other hand, the alumni group fell into the middle adulthood stage of development, generativity versus stagnation (attempting to avoid stagnation by contributing to society and future generations) (Kuther, 2017, p. 13).
There were three research questions central to this study. In this particular study, the researchers were interested in studying the influence of age, behavior, and attitude on overall happiness. The

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