
The Effects Of Sleep On Children And Adolescents

Better Essays

Jordan DuBose
Ms Kap
ENG 101-027
26 October 2015
Parasomnias in Young Children and Adolescents Ten percent of the American population has recorded having a sleep parasomnia, most of them being young children or adolescents. Parasomnias range from very common disorders such as sleepwalking, to a few some may have never heard of, for instance: sleep paralysis. Sleep parasomnias are “disorders characterized by abnormal or unusual behavior of the nervous system during that occur during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep or rapid eye movement (REM) sleep” (Parasomnias). NREM sleep (also referred to as slow wave sleep) contains more common parasomnias that involve the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, motor system, or cognitive processes. Sleep disorders most commonly present in children and young adults but tend to resolve as the patient ages. Sleep parasomnias affect the daily behavior and lifestyle of young children and adolescents by altering their learning environment, stiffening the home life, and modifying their overall mood.
Parasomnias can occur at any point during the sleep cycle, if one experiences this while falling asleep they may encounter “disturbing hallucinations or sleep paralysis” (Sleep and Parasomnias). Hallucinations may also occur as the person is waking up from a deep slumber. Sleep paralysis is when the body is incapable of moving even though that person is conscious and aware of what is happening. If the person is awakened in an abrupt

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