
The Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teenage Pregnancy

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This paper will focus on many great programs focus on preventing teen pregnancy. This paper will attempt to describe the research surrounding sex education, mostly abstinence education and the importance of contraceptive. The discussion surrounding sex education will focus not only on current research findings, but also on the truth of the research that has produced different and often conflicting results. Finally, this essay will discuss programs that focus on the role of boys and their importance in teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy create many social challenges, and as a result require the shared efforts of many to help provide solutions. Teen pregnancy has remained looked at as a "social problem" for many years in the United States and has always challenged ethical and moral sensibilities. The financial costs of teens giving birth are substantial, and there are many persuasive reasons to reduce the teen pregnancy. Attempts to reduce teen pregnancy are mainly focused on prevention and sex education. Now and day’s sex education programs focus on two main approaches, they are: abstinence and how to use protection. Abstinence teaches that abstaining from sexual activity is the only truly effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. But because most teenagers are not being abstinent they are being taught to always stay protected to protect them from diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The success of abstinence education has been overly taught according to many sociologists and

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