
The Efficacy Of Music Therapy Intervention

Decent Essays

Studies have been under way, examining the efficacy of music therapy intervention. Scientists have taken several approaches in determining if music allows an autistic child to become more socially engaged. The current debate is that children who have autism have social engagement problems that cannot be trained or controlled. Science is now debunking that argument as more research and evidence is emerging, showing improvements in autistic children’s social interactions. Working thesis: Studies on the efficacy of music therapy are providing empirical results on its efficiency with ASD children.
Researchers in the field of child psychiatry and registered music therapists have partnered up to uncover unique ways for autistic children to interact. Music therapists are prevalent in hospitals, cancer centers, rehabs, etc. Their focus is to improve the mental and physical health of their patients. Child psychiatrists have examined the children in the following trials and attest to the improvements.
Children with Autistic Spectrum disorders or ASD have a very limited ability to engage in social interaction. The problem is not that they do not know how to. They just do not feel the need to interact. Music therapy gives to children a reason to interact by introducing songs and requiring the participation of the child. Child psychiatrists and music therapists have studied preschool aged autistic children, using different avenues to thoroughly investigate music therapy. Though children

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