
The Elephant Of The Room Wears Designer

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The Elephant in The Room Wears Designer

Gabriella B. Morales

WS 4863: Feminism, Colonization, and Globalization
Ms. Sara A. Ramirez

March 31st 2015 Many people in The United States do not specifically know how their clothing is being made and what the living conditions are like for the people who make them. Blood, sweat, sacrifice, and tears have gone into the production of garments in Bangladesh and Hannan Majid and Richard York show it through the film they produced The Machinists. The three factory workers featured in the documentary are Mohammed and his wife, Nargis who lives with her parents and two sisters who also work in the factory, and Ratna a single woman involved in a union to help workers understand their rights. Also being analyzed are The Rana Plaza Garment Factory deaths caused by the collapse of the poorly constructed building in Dhaka shown in the documentary Fashion Victims produced by ABC Australia. It is very easy to look at the garment industry from an outside perspective and attempt to conjure up an effective solution. However, are U.S. consumers willing to give up designer clothing for a virtuous conscience? Can U.S. consumers strip the elephant in the room of its designer clothing and address the underlying problems of Exploitation of Garment Factory Workers in Bangladesh by Multi-National Corporations? We will be analyzing the garment workers starring in this documentary and what are the social reasons why U.S. consumers

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