
The Epic Life of Leonardo Da Vinci

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The Epic Life of Leonardo da Vinci
Within the midst of one of the greatest cultural revolutions known to humanity, a superior artist was born to Ser Piero da Vinci of Italy whom went by the name of Leonardo da Vinci (Vasari 1). According to Giorgio Vasari, a writer born in 1511, this man was nothing short of a demigod. Though this may be a gross overstatement, it would appear that Leonardo da Vinci (not to be confused with Leonardo DiCaprio) was well respected and highly regarded as a human being during his time on this planet, and his legacy still lives on long well after his death. We are all familiar with his notorious works of art that include, but aren’t limited to, The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and The Vitruvian Man. However, we gain a broader sense of da Vinci’s life through the writings of Vasari as he paints his own poetic portrait of one of the most interesting men in history. Vasari describes the man as beautiful, with an “infinite grace in all his actions.”(1). He laments on da Vinci’s superior ability to fundamentally and critically break down the mechanics of art, science, and logic; and to also contend with the burden of the traditional judgments of renaissance society, mainly due to his romantic preferences.
Though this certain Italian was a man of many talents, he was only human. “It is clear that Leonardo, through his comprehension of art, began many things and never finished one of them, since it seemed to him that the hand was not able to attain to the

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