
The Epic Of Inferno And William Shakespeare 's Play King Lear

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Dante Alighieri’s epic poem Inferno and William Shakespeare’s play King Lear are works that examine human suffering. They delve into the very depths of the good and bad of mankind through the lives of various characters. Two characters in particular, Dante the Pilgrim from Inferno and Edmund from King Lear suffer from the corruption of their societies, but in time, they each come to realize their own hand in their sufferings. The characters begin their stories with desires to end their pain, but they follow different pathways to reach their goals. Dante follows his reason out of despair and into the light while Edmund scorns society and embraces his sinful nature to conquer his pain. First, the sufferings of the characters must be examined. Much of Dante’s pain is a result of his own sin while Edmund initially suffers at the hands of an unjust society. The suffering sinners that Dante views bring their punishments on themselves by following instincts, fulfilling desires, and hurting others. In turn, Dante suffers through his misplaced pity of the punished souls. As he travels throughout Hell, he realizes that the souls created their own Hell in both life and in death. This revelation forces Dante to confront the psychological pain that his own sins inflict while on earth. When the poem begins, Dante “had wandered off from the straight path,” and he later learns in Hell that his sinful actions are at fault (Dante 1.3). To rid himself of his own suffering, Dante

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