
Why Is It Important To Enforce The Civil Rights Act At Work?

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As a Human Resource Manager, the understanding of the Equal Employment Opportunity laws are initially overwhelming, due to the amount of information dedicated to the subject. However, it is vitally important to comprehend and apply these laws to any organization, in order to avoid claims or litigation. Companies need to educate management to “take reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct discrimination and establish anti-discrimination policies” (SHRM, 2014). The EEOC is not out to get employers, but was “established to administer and enforce the Civil Rights Act at work” (Dessler, 2015, p. 28). Successful compliance with EEOC law ultimately depends on authentic and dedicated belief in the capabilities and value of each individual and cultivates a diverse and sincerely non-discriminating workplace. In my view, the core of this and other civil rights law finds its origins in the biblical worldview, that all men are created equal in the sight of God and are bestowed with unique gifts and abilities. Our law points to the gift of God that we live in a nation dedicated on protecting what God has created.
National Origin In our companies today, we are dealing with a global and diverse environment making it important for organization’s to “have a workforce comprised of two or more groups of employees with various racial, gender, and national origin backgrounds” (Dessler, 2013, p. 46). This first example discusses the hiring process of an Asian woman applying for a

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