
The Equal Pay Case Of 1972 And Women's Rights

Decent Essays

Historical Skills Essay Draft
The Equal Pay Case of 1972 and Women’s Rights in Australia
This essay will detail the protest of The Equal Pay Case of 1972 in Australia relating to the preceding Equal Pay Case of 1969. Aims and reasons for the protest will be researched, as well as how the government’s laws and opinions were affected or changed, how the protest impacted the people’s support for women’s rights, and whether the protest was influential to the laws of women’s rights today. The aim is to correlate and respond to whether the The Equal Pay Case of 1972 was successful along with if the efforts of the movement were competent to result in a considerable transformation to the laws of women’s rights in Australia.

The Equal Pay Case of 1972 …show more content…

This protest introduced the idea of ‘Equal Pay for work of Equal Value’ instead of ‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’ which based the pay on the value and effort of the work, regardless of the gender or the job of the worker. This meant that the work of women in female run industries could be compared to the work of men in male run industries. However, to avoid the consequences of these results, many employers reclassified the categories of jobs undertaken by women to be compared to lower scale male jobs, which resulted in them having to pay less. The overall improvement was approximately 30% of women’s wages …show more content…

The pay gap between men and women has since ranged between approximately 15 - 30% with the year 1994 having a 16.2% gender difference, dropping to a 14.9% gender difference in 2004, rising back up to 17.1% in 2013, and currently resting at 15.3% in difference. The ongoing mission to achieve complete gender pay equality has continued to be undertaken with campaigns such as Equal Pay Day, which perseveres to provide statistics of gender pay gaps on a yearly occasion, often at the end of the financial

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