
Essay on The Essence of Pop Culture

Satisfactory Essays

"Talk about Pop Music, Talk about Pop Music…" was one of the most catchy phrases of the 1980's. Just as in the 80's, today we see many characteristics of "pop culture" effecting our lives. But, what is "pop culture?"
<br>I spent some time online trying to answer my question and time after time I was led to the same direction: pop culture is what we see, hear, speak, and are otherwise exposed to on a daily basis. The infomercials we see late on television, the billboards we see on the side of the road, the junk mail we receive, the links on the web pages we visit, and the radio commercials we hear all tie together to form this idea of pop culture. These, plus many other aspects, form our minds and teach us how to be culturally smart. …show more content…

Showing how people will believe movies, maybe because they see it, but yet not believe in a possible salvation. Not all pop culture is like that. Look at the Jerry Springer Show. It is a cultural icon for college students everywhere. It's the allure of crazy people and wild stories that attract people to watch it. He has become forever an American figure and will always be associated when some one brings up a story about a fight and they then say "hey you remember that Springer Show?" This show represents the corrupt side of society, which we do not see on a normal daily basis, except for on the show. It is typical American culture just as Wrestling is now becoming. They both offer a wild show for entertainment and also shows a darker side of the society.
<br>As a society and culture, we decide what pop culture is. Our actions and reactions are read by the media and the rest of society to build around what we want, ultimately creating "Pop Culture." There is not a bias for these ideas considering that everything that surrounds us, including history is pop culture in a way. People decided what the times

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