Formed by two bonded hydrogens and an oxygen atom it is the second most essential compound to life on Earth, water. However, less than four percent of it is available for human consumption; it may be found in a liquid state or as water vapor within the atmosphere. As society progresses in becoming more populous and industrialized so does the demand for fresh water, thus scientists have and continue to experiment with adding particles to clouds in order to aid in creating precipitation. In nature, water continuously moves between the Earth and atmosphere through a process known as the hydrologic cycle. Evaporation and transportation cause water to rise, as warm air rises it becomes cooler and causes condensation, the droplets increase in size until the upward movement of air cannot support it (nucleation), and thus falls to the ground. It should be noted that warm air has the ability to hold more vapor than cold air and cloud formation occurs due to air becoming supersaturated. Conversely, nucleation does not always occur due to the cloud not being cold enough, we are then introduced to the process of cloud seeding (Lenschow).
The inorganic compound silver iodide (AgI) is sprayed or launched into the atmosphere as tiny particles that attract water molecules causing them to nucleate and fall to the ground as precipitation. Cloud seeding started it’s formation when Vincent Schaefer, a self-taught chemist in New York, attempted to get artificial clouds to produce
Clouds to form in the atmosphere have to have water vapor present. This water vapor makes up a cloud. The water vapor in the atmosphere comes from evaporation or deposition. Also the temperature of the air is below the dew point. When the water is fully saturated, it starts to rise and the expansional cooling process begins. During the process of condensation, the aerosol particles act like a nuclei in the atmosphere, which began to grow, creating ice crystals that are big enough to produce a cloud.
Evaporation happens every day, everywhere on Earth. It is the process of water turning into water vapor. It then travels to the clouds and condenses. This is condensation, where water vapor turns into clouds. When the clouds get too heavy, they then drop all the water in them. This stage is precipitation, or rain, snow, sleet, or hail. It then runs off into a stream, lake, creek, or ocean, the cycle then repeats. This cycle is called the water cycle.
Growing up, we all went through the water cycle lesson and we will never forget it. The reason being, we encounter the water cycle throughout our entire life and it will always effect our systems and more importantly our water system. As illustrated in the picture, our water cycle includes the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, which then goes to many places. During evaporation, the sun is used as a main power to make this happen. The sun’s rays beat down onto the ground creating all of the moisture and water to fizzle into a gas state into the atmosphere and get stored away into the clouds. When it is stored into the clouds it is condensing. Condensation means that the gas is again forming itself back into its liquid state to get ready to return to Earth. The condensation then forms into precipitation. Precipitation comes in many different forms. You can see it as rain, snow, sleet, or hail making its way back to us. What happens to it then depends on the area. The water might end up as runoff, or become
Below freezing air is used to make snow and snowflakes. Moisture from lakes and oceans to form clouds.warm, rising air to form precipitation.
Clouds- Clouds are a mass of water or ice droplets in the air. An example of a
Weather is created by the movement of air masses of different temperature and moisture content moving around the Earth’s atmosphere and interacting with each other.
According to NASA clouds are made of water or ice crystals floating in the sky, not gas (add reference). A scientific explanation of how clouds are form is that water vapour evaporates from the earth into the atmosphere than condenses on the earth. There are many different reasons as to why clouds are formed. Some other ways include when dust, smoke or other particles are suspended into the air or when water vapour condenses into particles into the air (Skamp & Preston, 2007, p.
Is the process of forcing clouds to rain. Cloud Seeding involves flying a plane over clouds and dispensing silver iodide into the clouds. The silver iodide mimics ice crystals and gives the moisture in the clouds something to cling to, the moisture has clung to the silver iodide and is now snow this then is heavy enough to fall out of the clouds. The snow then melts into water then we have rain. Cloud Seeding is a very good solution to droughts because it is very area effective. It costs more than other solutions but for the area it covers it is efficient.
So the warm moist air creates clouds of rain and thunderstorm. Adding to that winds with different speed going in different directions assisting in expanding these great clouds of rain and thunderstorm. With
It is these droplets that appear as a cloud (water vapor is an invisible gas). When the droplets form, heat is released which rises and adds to the existing updraft. More condensing vapor into droplets release yet more heat, which adds still more upward speed to the updraft. This is why the updrafts in large cumulonimbus clouds can reach 60 mph. In super cell updrafts, their speeds can reach 175 mph.
Cloud seeding is a way to control the amount of precipitation that clouds produce by inserting silver iodide into the atmosphere by use of jet aircraft that release these chemicals. This seems harmless enough, but toxic chemicals are also produced during cloud seeding procedures. These toxic chemicals can consist of Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Arsenic, and other substances that are harmful to humans. There are artificial clouds along with natural clouds in our atmosphere. These artificial clouds can affect our atmosphere and release harmful chemicals. The aerial spraying of toxic substances is denied by the U.S. government and by officials of other nations. This is untrue because these governments are the people held responsible for the methods of cloud seeding. They insist that the new clouds that are seen are just normal jet streams. What is it that the government is trying to hide from the people? (Freeland
Water is essential for life as we know it on earth. It is used by plants
The Importance Of Water To Living Organisms Water is normally the most abundant component of any living organism. As most human cells are approximately 80% water and 60% of the human body is made up of it, it is extremely important in many different ways to both the survival and the well being of living organisms. Evolutionists believe that life probably originated in water and even today thousands of organisms make their home in it. Water also provides the medium in which all biochemical reactions take place. The importance of water to living organisms originates from its many properties including its solvent properties, its high specific heat capacity, its high latent heat of vaporization,
Water a transparent and formless liquid that is one of the most important things that we have on planet Earth. Every living thing needs water to live, so it is considered to be the source of life, by many.
HYDROLOGIC CYCLE The hydrologic cycle is a constant movement of water above, on, and below the earth's surface. It is a cycle that replenishes ground water supplies. It begins as water vaporizes into the atmosphere from vegetation, soil, lakes, rivers, snowfields and oceans-a process called evapotranspiration. As the water vapor rises it condenses to form clouds that return water to the land through precipitation: rain, snow, or hail. Precipitation falls on the earth and either percolates into the soil or flows across the ground. Usually it does both. When precipitation percolates into the soil it is called infiltration when it flows across the ground it is called surface run off. The amount of precipitation that infiltrates, versus the