
The Ethical Citizen: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The Ethical Citizen is a collection of topics with different articles ranging from the problems of the smog in China to hiring veterans for the work force to parents refusing vaccines for their children. It focuses on about 20 articles and how they relate to ethics. Usually, there are two sides to a scenario, whether it is ethical or unethical. For the second edition of The Ethical Citizen, I chose three articles, “Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security,” “Resting Surveillance: Identity and Implantable Microchips,” and “Microchips are Getting Under our Skin.” All three of these articles pertain to one ethical issue, the VeriChip, and they address its complications and positive points. The first part …show more content…

RFID is Radio Frequency Identification Technology and it is a wireless connection that is used for tracking. When RFID was first introduced it was used to keep track of pets and livestock, but now the microchips are getting smaller and smaller and being used in humans. The author discloses how she had two microchips implanted, one in the back of each hand. According to Nisbet, she asked four surgeons and a veterinarian if they would agree to perform the implantation of the microchip, and they all had different answers. The vet said she would supply the microchip but not implant it, one surgeon did not reply, one agreed, one agreed on special medical terms, and one declined (Nisbit …show more content…

The author of the article begins with the story of an emergency-room doctor named John Halamka who had problems identifying unconscious bodies that would come into the ER. When he heard of the VeriChip, he decided to try it out. Then the author goes on to talk about the VeriChip, and how it is used as a wireless bar-code, and tracing livestock, pets and goods from factory to store shelf(Bradley). Also, the VeriChip is more popular in Latin America than it is in the United States because of the problem of drug trafficking that is leading to

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