
The Ethical Debate Over Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

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When Crick and Watson and Crick discovered the DNA, people started dreaming and fearing at the same time the day when they will be able to design their own babies, not only free of inherited diseases but with the appearance and intelligence that they want. The fertility institutes have recently offered couples the chance to have their embryos screened, not only free from diseases but also for particular characteristics like eye colour, hair colour, height or even IQ. Even if we see couples from all around the world ready to pay a fortune to have their perfect baby custom made, opponents found this immoral and unethical. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, “PGD”, has been invented to accompany in vitro fertilization, “IVF”, and screen embryos for hundreds of diseases, often deadly, before the embryo is implanted in the women’s womb.
Spriggs, M., the author of “saviour siblings” present in his article his main idea which is to reveal in which specific cases is this method of designing a baby acceptable, under what conditions, and why. He includes in his article different points of view regarding what people, doctors and scientists think of that method. The IVF method of having a baby is permitted under certain conditions and for specific cases, for people who have a history of infertility and genetic diseases. He makes his point clear by saying that this method of designing babies is by no means a “toy” and should be used only in extreme cases. In England for instance, the

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