
The Ethical Dilemma Of Animal Testing And Research

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The Ethical Dilemma of Animal Testing and Research

Israel Parra Perez

English 101 – Section 10451
Professor Leonard Macias
7 May 2017

Thesis: Animal testing and research should cease because animals are subjected to cruel inhumane procedures by researchers, viable alternatives exist for animals testing, and results obtained through animal testing are mostly flawed and unreliable.
I. Introduction and Thesis
II. Animal Testing and Research Practices Leaves Animals Vulnerable to Mistreatment A. Animals are subjected to cruel and Inhuman procedures B. Animals cannot speak out against the cruel methods they are subjected to
III. The Ineffectiveness of the Animal Welfare Act A. The AWA excludes the vast majority of …show more content…

According to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service performed by the United States Department of Agriculture, there are an estimated 26 million animals that are used for commercial and scientific testing annually in the United States (Annual). How do research facilities and laboratories obtain test subjects? They are mostly supplied by specialist dealers whom breed animals for the sole purpose of selling them as test subjects. Dealers also obtain animals through pounds, shelters, misleading advertisements, and through other means (Miller-Spiegel). Animal testing and research should cease because animals are subjected to cruel inhumane procedures by researchers, viable alternatives exist for animals testing, and results obtained through animal testing are mostly flawed and unreliable.
Animals that are used for research and experimentation are often subjected to painful and cruel procedures which is why testing on animals should be ceased because the extreme harm animals endure do not justify the end results. According to Humane Society International, animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, as well as food and water deprivation. Animals are also physically restrained for prolonged periods of time, inflicted with painful wounds to study the effects and remedies associated with the infliction of pain. Some examples of the painful procedures animals endure include executions

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