
The Ethics Of The School 's Expeditionary Program Essay

Decent Essays

The Graham School is a state-chartered high school names in memory of a businessman, Russell E Graham. Located in Clintonville, the school’s mission is to provide a rigorous academic education. The school’s expeditionary program connects all of its students in teaching, service and research roles with numerous area museums, businesses, and community organizations. The goal is to develop a sense of responsible citizenship and first-hand understanding of how each students can make a positive difference to our community.

Walkabout is a part of the school’s expeditionary program and is the culminating experience for second semester seniors. The objective of Walkabout is to provide the senior with an intense and significant experience that matches the Graham School’s motto, “Encounter the world, Engage the mind.” In line with the Graham School’s habits of learning, the objective of Walkabout not only creates a transition for the student toward the assumption of adult roles but also a significant understanding of self-direction, perseverance, teamwork and collaboration, service and stewardship, and especially adventure and risk.


When I first came to this school I had been trying to get a job for a year and I could not go through with the process. The idea of becoming an adult and having a job frightened me. I knew that when I decided to come here, that I would have to take part in an internship. I forced myself into something that was not comfortable for me, so

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