
The Ethics Of Universal Ethical Standards

Satisfactory Essays

1. How do relative ethics compare to universal ethical standards? Should ethics ever be relative? Provide a rationale for your response.
• Ethics are a set of beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad. Universal ethical standards are norms that apply to all people across a broad spectrum. Ethics has six core values and they are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Ethics should never be relative because ethical standard shift depending on the situation and how it relates to the situation.

2. What is an ethical dilemma? Give 3 examples of ethical dilemmas that workers or managers might face in a business setting
• When whatever you might do will have negative consequences. Forcing you to choose among bad options.
 Example 1: Say you’re on the board of directors for a publicly traded corporation. You and your fellow board members, in hopes of heading off early for the holidays, rush through the investigatory process involved in a much-anticipated merger. As a board member, you have a duty to exercise the utmost care respecting decisions that affect the corporation and its shareholders. Failing to properly investigate a matter that affects their interests could be viewed as gross negligence supporting a breach of your ethical and legal duty of care.
 Example 2: You 're a partner in a business and see a great deal of profitability on the horizon. You don 't believe that your partner deserves to profit from the business ' future

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