
The Evocation of Human Emotion in A Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult

Satisfactory Essays

A prosecutor against child molesters, Nina Frost, knows all too well the loopholes the justice system entails and when it is her own five-year-old son, Nathaniel, who has been sexually assaulted, her husband, Caleb, and her lives flips upside down because Nina knows too clearly that her son will not find justice within the courts. Nina goes ahead with her own plan to bring her son justice, regardless of the consequence, no matter the sacrifice. Jodi Picoult causes the reader to truly understand what her characters were feeling as well as what was going on in the story. If Nina was upset, the reader felt upset and knew why. When Nathaniel stopped talking, the audience felt the pain that he did. Picoult took her readers not only into the …show more content…

Sometimes people pass judgment too quickly, and can act upon an event too fast. A little boy can talk, but not always have the right words. Jodi’s Perfect Match exceeded expectations beyond belief. Throwing twists and turns on every page, as well as lessons. Jodi made her readers become so emotionally invested in her characters that the book was never wanted to end. Perfect Match continued to provide shock and excitement on every page. The book was unpredictable and had the reader second guessing themselves the whole time. The reactions were endless. The beautiful love story between Nina and Caleb had the audience yearning for more (Picoult 1-351). Even when difficult times came about within the relationship, the ultimate want was for Nina and Caleb to work it out. When Nathaniel exposed the horrific event that took place against him, jaws were on the floor (Picoult 42). No parent would ever want a child to be molested, and when this was revealed in the story, anger and sadness filled the atmosphere. Nina, taking matters into her own hands, shot the accused four times, killing him in the court room (Picoult 121). At this point, the reader was feeling shocked, but accompanied with almost a bit of sympathy. Lastly, Nina had killed the wrong man (Picoult 212). Talk about shock of the century. Such a sophisticated explanation was given on why the DNA had come back as positive, but also negative. The explanation was well thought out

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