
The Evolution Of Human Speech

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The Evolution of Human Speech
As human we can communicate via our speaking ability to express our feelings, as a way to deliver the message we want another. These articles that I read discuss the anatomical prerequisite for humans to gain the ability to speak such as the absent and present of the air sac in hominids. Morphological changes of the face structure such as the reduced growth of the palate and the descent of the larynx. The controversial hypotheses of the hypoglossal canal size are indicative of speech, and modern humans have a larger hypoglossal canal size compare to other hominids were examined. These are just the anatomical aspects of the possible contribution to the human speech.
The first paper, the study done by Bart de Boer involves the loss of air sacs serves as possible evidence to why modern humans can produce complex language. The fact that air sacs are present in apes and absent in modern humans and Homo neandethalensis is the interesting piece to why we and the Neandethal are capable speak to speak and the others cannot. To investigate further to see how early humans and Homo neandethalensis did not have air sacs, an experiment was set up using a hearing procedure to show if air sacs reduce the perceptual effect of vowel articulations (de Boer 2012). The methods for this study were done by 22 human participants were gathered in a soundproof room and have them listen to the different vowels produce through the air tubes with or without air sacs. The

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