
The Experience Of Frequent Relocations And Life Changes During My Formative Years

Decent Essays

The experience of frequent relocations and life changes during my formative years have molded me into a highly determined individual who sees the world from various perspectives and thinks out of the box. Throughout my childhood, there was always a quiet sense of not only excitement about restarting somewhere new, but also anticipation of how things would be different. Which side is the “right” side of the road? Metric system or British system? 110 Volt plug or 220 Volt plug? These thoughts that seem to be miniscule opened my young mind in accepting, and later, finding new ways of doing things. Meanwhile, the anticipation of a new school system that can be surprisingly way more demanding (or not) than what I had been through always motivated me to work hard and do the best I could academically. Hailing from my native country Indonesia to the United States at the age of 15 in a quest for a better quality education, I was determined to gain as much education and experiences while striving to overcome any challenges that comes with it. In high school, not only I overcame language and cultural barriers, but I pushed myself through the demanding private school academics and graduated at the top of my class. My interests in business and technology led my decision to attend Drexel University and pursue a Bachelor degree in Business and Engineering. Through the Business and Engineering program, I realized that while the worlds of technology and business integrates more than ever.

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