
The Falling Skies Of Benito Mussolini

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Falling Skies
Ignorance is bliss they say, at least until you die from something completely preventable. The initial coming of the redstones in 1928 was met with a fearful curiosity at first but ultimately something potentially harmful across the seas, Italy had far more important matters at hand such as forging an alliance with the Vatican, recognizing it as a sovereign state and Mussolini with his family receiving an official blessing from the Pope. It officially declared itself a totalitarian state in 1935 and using propaganda to depose the king through plebiscite thus making Benito Mussolini the sole leader. Wanting to increase its prestige on the national stage it successfully and swiftly invaded Ethiopia in 1935 making it a subservient colony. Other nations viewed this as quite irresponsible as the redstone crisis was a far greater concerns that needed the cooperation of all Great Powers. Of course Italy didn't care.

Red Tide
Following the days of the USSR's attack on Poland, on October 5th Italy declared war on it following France's and the UK's example. Initially it sent a large numbers of forces to support the rearming German and Hungarian troops before the Soviets reached their borders but it proved futile as the Soviet spearheaded themselves all the way to Paris by December. Recalling its troops from mainland Europe, it began consolidating its forces to prepare an attack on the Soviet's holding in the Black Sea aiming to relive the days of the Crimean War. By

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