
The Fault In Our Stars Analysis

Decent Essays

A four-time New York Times bestselling author once said, “Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day.” Even though we all want to make a mark on the world, sometimes we fall into the trap of the routine of a typical day and basically “take a day off.” While reading this amazing novel you will realize you need to make the most of everyday and sprinkle positivity on the world. The Fault in Our Stars is a must-read novel that teaches a valuable life lesson that holds true to all of humanity: a person’s legacy is created by others’ memories. In The Fault in Our Stars, the author uses conflict to teach that a person’s legacy is created by others’ memories. For example, the author reveals to us that a person’s legacy is created by others’ memories when Hazel says, ““I don't care if the New York Times writes an obituary for me. I just want you to write one,” I told him. “You say you're not special because the world doesn't know about you, but that’s an insult to me. I know about you.”” This means that even though Augustus Waters wasn't known like Superman or Batman, he was known by Hazel, and this was enough for her to know him for the small infinity that they held. Consequently, this shows that your interaction with others’ and the memories you share is your personal legacy. Additionally, Hazel states, “I was so frustrated with him. “But this is all you get. You get me, and your family, and this world. This is your life. I'm sorry if it

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