
The Fear Of Death By Elisabeth Kubler Ross

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Death in Literature
What humans don 't understand, they fear or block out. People have a variety of different beliefs on what happens after you die. For example ones who follow the religion of christianity believe they will go to heaven, and the ones who follow hinduism and buddhism believe in reincarnation. No one has facts or evidence on what happens to you after death, so it is usually feared. In these three different works of literature, “On the Fear of Death”, “Allegory of the Cave”, and “The Beast in the Cave” they all have one thing in common. What these three works of literature have in common is death.
“What has changed is our way of coping and dealing with death and dying and our dying patients.”(Kubler-Ross 109) In “On the Fear of Death” by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, she discusses the changes that have happened over the past few decades. The author believes that these changes are responsible for the increased fear of death, the rising number of emotional problems, and the greater need for understanding of and coping with the problems of death and dying. The author says, “The fact that the children are allowed to stay at home where a fatality has stricken and are in included in the talk, discussion, and fears give them the feeling that hey are not alone in the grief and give them the comfort of shared responsibility and shared mourning.” (Kubler-Ross 110) She believes that allowing the children to stay and be involved in the grieving stage prepares them gradually and

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