
The Fear Of Islamophobia In The United States

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In the United States, the fear of terrorism has increased since the attacks on the United States Embassy in 1998 and of the World Trade Center in September 11 of 2001. Because of recurring terrorist activity within the United States and other parts of the world, these violent attacks have been deemed illegal for one simple reason: they impose a massive threat to humanity. In addition, most members who participate in these attacks have been linked to the same organizations; furthermore, recent terrorist activity has been predominantly motivated by radical religious ideology, such as the Islamic radical group Isis. As a result, many people have developed what is known today as Islamophobia, or the fear of Islam or Muslims. As a result of Islamophobia, …show more content…

During the early hours of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda arranged four attacks on the United States. These terrorists, nineteen of them, hijacked four passenger airplanes. Three of these airplanes successfully hit their targets; two airliners struck the World Trade Center’s north and the south tower, accordingly, in New York City. The third airliner attacked the Pentagon in Virginia, while the final airliner crashed near Pennsylvania after passengers tried taking it back from the terrorists. These events are commonly referred to as the September 11 attacks, or simply 9/11, an is highly recognized by the American people. The aftermath of these attacks left nearly 2,700 American citizens dead while leaving about 6,000 injured. In addition, not a lot of American citizens know that this event prompted congress to respond by initiating a law which could prevent such disasters from happening again. John Ashcroft, Attorney General during the Bush administration, advocated the laws which later became the Patriot Act three days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. This was noteworthy because on October 26, 2001, former U.S. President George W. Bush signed this act into law. In the book “The War on Civil Liberties: How Bush and Ashcroft Dismantled the Bill of Rights”, author Elaine Cassel states …show more content…

One of the negative impacts caused by the Patriot Act is the declining relationship between Muslims and government agencies. In the article “Peacemaking criminology and counterterrorism: Muslim Americans and the War on Terror”, author Tony Gaskew states that Muslims felt that anti-terrorism policies such as the USA PATRIOT Act, have targeted the Muslim communities, caused racial profiling, and harassment by overzealous police agencies (352). This is significant because police agencies do not have well-established relationships with Muslims, and as a result, Muslims are victims of unreasonable searches, suspicion, and racial profiling by police authorities. Accusing someone of middle eastern decent as terrorists will not aid the war on terror, nor will it make these methods any more effective. These false accusations only lead to belittling and alienation of Muslims, who already receive these types of social injustices from other angry Americans. These incidents of cops antagonizing Muslims can be illustrated by the lawsuit Raza v. City of New York, 998 F. Supp. 2d 70 - Dist. Court, ED New York 2013. In the lawsuit Raza v. City of New York, the New York Police Department was sued by two mosques, three Muslims from New York, and a Muslim non-profit group. These Muslims were suing the NYPD because of their role in the illegitimate practices

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