
The Feast Of The Goat Book Analysis

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The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas LLosa
Much like Bolano, LLosa’s book is also character driven It was speculation when I first started reading Feast of the Goat but the further into the book I read, the more I come to know more about the traumatic experiences taking place. The characters were driven with fear: the assassins who killed Trujillo and Urania who recalled her experiences at her young during her encounter with Trujillo. For example, in chapter twelve, Salvador spoke with Father Fortin about his mission to kill Trujillo. On one hand, there was a side of him knowing the consequences of caring out the assassination and as he put it, wondering once he killed a man if he would go to hell. On the other hand, there was a side of him that drove him into understanding why Trujillo had to die. During his conversation with Father Fortin, he spoke of Trujillo and his actions: “What they’re doing to the bishops, to the churches, that disgusting campaign television, on the radio, in the papers” (LLosa 184). He knew right away that he had to “cut off the hydra’s head” (184). Upon the issue regarding Urania, she and her Aunt Adelina recall her father Agustin Cabral (Egghead) and about the letter in “The Public Forum” that lead to her dad falling into disgrace. However as the story goes on the timeline does shift its course and ends up back and forth between the events that occurred before and after what took place at the Mahogany house. For example, chapter fourteen

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