
The First Key Assumption Of The Learners Inner Self Essay

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The first key assumption relates to the learners inner-self, and how the five senses bring in information to the brain. This assumption is about the body and the brain working in collaboration (Omrod, 2014). This recognises that new information comes in through the senses, for example seeing or hearing. The memory recieved then becomes a part of the Sensory Register, where memory is stored generally visually or auditory. (Omrod, 2014). Lots of information is able to be held in the sensory register, yet only lasts a few seconds. Once memory is encoded, it then moves to working memory. By connecting the new knowledge to prior knowledge already stored, the knowledge is then moved into the long-term store, able for retrieval. Context dependant cues can help children access this information out of their long-term memory, possibly for uses in the classroom or for an assessment purpose (Omrod,2014). An example of a context depenant cue could be using hands to make actions to sony lyrics. Then in turn, helping to remember the lyrics. This assumption relates to the Information Processing Theory. This theory discusses the idea that information comes in through our sensory register, quite literally through our five senses (Omrod,2014). Nuthall proposes the idea that if knowledge can be revisited and practiced often over a few days, then the knowledge will stay in your long-term memory (O’Toole, 2016). Therefore a context dependant cue, such as the hand actions, may assist in cementing

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