
The Five Arguments For The Existence Of God

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The evaluation of the five arguments made clear that a perfect being, God, must exist in all possible circumstances in order to satisfy the definition of perfection. The Argument from Motion, The Argument from Efficient Cause, The Argument to Necessary Being, The Argument from Gradation, and The Argument from Design are considered the five ways Thomas acknowledge if God does or does not existence. Through reading Aquinas’s work, it is hard to determine which one proves that God does or does not exist. Logically, each argument can be denied or accepted. Consequently, people can choose to believe whatever they want. However, it is a personal belief that The Argument from Necessity is the most agreeable at this time. The other four arguments do not provide relevance to why people die if God is perfect. …show more content…

The contradiction lies in the other four arguments because no one can truly prove if God exist or that God is perfect. Therefore, leading to the belief that the very nature of God appears to be a subjective understanding of what we want God to be in our minds. Aquinas also claims, “…objects in the world come into existence and pass away” is what determined a sound logic for the student writer (Thomas Aquinas, “The Five Ways”, 2012). These are the facts, people are born, they live and they die. Clearly, despite the methods that lead to our deaths. One can only believe that people are considered objects in the universe that come into being and pass

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