
The Five Ways Thomas Aquinas Summary

Decent Essays

Thomas Aquinas is one of the Christian and Catholic churches most beloved philosophers and theologians. Throughout his 49-year lifespan, Aquinas combined the theological ideologies of religion with the logical concepts of reason. He did this most notably through his publication of the Five Ways, also known as the Five Proofs, which were written in his book Summa Theologica. In his Five Ways, Aquinas takes the cosmological approach to the argument over God’s existence. That is, each proof begins with an observation about the universe and connects the observations to the dependency of nature. For some action to occur, another action must push it into occurrence. For example, a ball cannot move from rest without an outside force acting on it. This links to the idea of God in that he is argued to be the outside force that initiated the universes existence. Aquinas breaks this argument down into the Arguments from Motion, Causation, Contingency, Degree, and the Teleological argument. Within this analysis, Aquinas’ Argument from Motion will be broken down into its parts, premises and conclusions, and criticisms countering his argument will be offered and explained. As in all cosmological arguments, Aquinas’ Argument from Motion begins with an observation from the universe. This argument views that things are in motion as Aquinas writes “It is certain… that in the world some things are in motion” (Aquinas). Motion in this sense refers to the idea of change, an object changing

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