
The Flag Resolution Act Of The United States

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On June 14, 1787, The Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution Act that states: "That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”(Cite) Flag Day is observed on every June 14 for the sacred symbol of the United States of America of what is the Flag. As each star increased on the flag, turmoil on how the flag should or should not be treated also grew. Many americans, including myself, see it a national symbols that need no discretion what so ever. This including punishment under the law and from public policies. Some protesters, mainly libertarians saw the symbol as the face of the government …show more content…

In any event, three-fourths of the state legislatures must ratify the amendment for it to become a permanent part of the Constitution.
Supporters of the amendment believed to have honored for the fallen men and women who sacrifice for this country. Especially for those who commit the ultimate sacrifice. Opposition for the proposed amendment included that the government would infringe on their given rights by the government in the preamble and the 1st amendment. With the support of the judicial review of the case Texas vs Johnson (1989) and other Supreme Court cases, the opposition makes a strong constitutional case against the rest of the branches of government. The Opposition of the amendment would believe that the government would suppress the rights of of the rest of the country, for a small minority, the supporters of the amendment. A 1931 Supreme Court case, Stromberg v. California, set the first precedent for the use of a flag in an act of symbolic speech under the First Amendment, when the Court struck down a California law that banned the flying of a red flag to protest against the government. More than five decades later, Congress passed Flag Protection Act in 1968. The Act was response to the Vietnam protests of the unfavorable Vietnam war. Protesters started the tradition of desecrating the flag, including burning the flag. For more than 20 years, the lower court upheld the act and the Supreme Court denied

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