
The Flipped Classroom Model Of Instruction

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The use of the flipped classroom model of instruction is gaining attention among instructors and professors at the college and university level (Aronson, Arfstrom, & Tam, 2013). Currently, the amount of rigorous, empirical research on the effectiveness of the Flipped Learning model is limited, but growing. As a relatively new model of instruction, it has been found to have a positive impact on important student outcomes, including achievement and engagement (Ferreri & O 'Connor, 2013). Flipped classroom is another model of learner-centered teaching. A flipped classroom is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed …show more content…

Their findings presented the results of a large, Architectural Engineering course with an enrollment of 95, approximately 80 percent were male, with less than 10 percent minority representation. The normal lecture process consisted of two, 50-minute lecture periods and one, 110 minute practicum, weekly. Instead of using this approach, the instructor applied the flipped classroom approach. The instructor posted video records of lecture materials to iTunesU and students viewed the lectures and supplemental content prior to the class. This allowed the students to be exposed to theory-based content outside of class time. Because of this approach, there was more time for in-class problem-solving and increased teacher-student interaction. At end of the course, assessment data was collected to examine students’ use of the video lectures and perceptions of the flipped classroom. A total of 77 students completed the Course Survey 1, and provided consent for their data to be used for research purposes. The majority of the students (74%) felt that the flipped classes were helpful to their understanding of the concepts. An additional 24 percent felt that the flipped classes were somewhat helpful. A total of 75.3 percent of the students agreed, or strongly agreed, that the additional time spent problem-solving in class improved their understanding of the estimating methods. Students perceived the method of teaching as more effective than lecturing,

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