
The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Essay

Decent Essays

Growing up in Florida, the sunshine state, all my years of schooling was practically determined in the months of February and March, by the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, most commonly known as the F.C.A.T. The Florida department of education (2005) presents (to parents and guardians of the students), the F.C.A.T. as a test given to Florida students to measure what they know and are able to accomplish in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. This test is a part of Florida’s plan to improve student’s achievement. It measures challenging content standard, called the Sunshine State Standards. The F.C.A.T. is said to be made up of two types of test. One of the tests is a criterion-referenced test or CRT, the other type of test is …show more content…

In this, they clarify some questions parents, guardians, and teachers may wonder; one of these issues challenges FCAT fairness for ESE and LEP students. The question is, if there are adjustments for these students, they respond by saying that they do have different measures of accommodations for these students. Discussing with one math professor he told me “While all teachers have different grading and teaching styles the FCAT, is a unique way of testing the entire student population and the teachers all equally” (Anonymous, 2010) this to me put a new perspective the FCAT; I always thought of this test in an indifferent manner. Perhaps, this is a fair way to evaluate what the students learned as well as how the teachers are teaching. Being once a student of the public school system in Florida, I was never fond of the FCAT. During my younger school years teachers would make us practice, and practice, the test taking formation in preparation for the FCAT. In my experience the FCAT is not a bad standardize test. I do think that we should have a standardize test to know how the students are doing in the different subject matters. However, the emphasis that teachers and faculty put on the test is the part that gives FCAT my negative feelings. If they make the test, a test like any other in our regular classrooms, I would suppose more students would be more relaxed and consequently do

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