
The For A Teacher 's Roster Should Be Considered

Decent Essays

Inclusionary practices, the term itself can be infuriating to those aware of it’s true meaning and to whom it is referring to. The term inclusionary practices immediately says that there is someone or some group not being including. In the world of education, what parent would what to think that their child is not being considered in the educational practices of their teacher? That would be considered neglect and in some ways a crime against the education system. Every child on a teacher’s roster should be considered, when a teacher is designing the course, deciding on classroom management strategies and when creating lessons every day. A closer look at the term reveals the truth behind education - educated white males and females who created the system, did not in fact include in their creation of the system, people who are different from them. Those different from them include any type of minority (black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.), people with learning disabilities (dyslexic, better at reading than math, etc.), people with physical and/or mental disabilities (wheel chair bound, down syndrome, autism, Attention deficit hyperactive disorder [ADHD], etc.), individuals of a foreign background including ones who do not know English well, and even people of less financial status (poor, homeless, welfare recipients, wards of the state, etc.). When the idea of free education was designed it was really referring to a free education for those with academic backgrounds, social status

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