
The For The Perfect Or Ideal Body Image And The Fight Essay

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The strive for the perfect or ideal body image and the fight to fit in have become a center stage concern for many adolescence’s. Thus, following body shaming and social media have twisted and distorted the minds of young individuals causing an increasing rise in distorted eating habits and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. However, as years have gone on and these problems have surfaced it is only critical that we take into effect just how truly dangerous and life threatening these disorders can be.
From a young age, all an individual could want is to fit in and strive to be the best that they could be, with this social media play’s a huge role. In this day and age almost everyone uses technology for school, work and most importantly recreation. From computers, to phones, to tablets, we use everything and the internet is the gateway to accessing anything we could possibly imagine, therefor it is extraordinarily easy for young children and teenagers to excess the internet as well. For most the internet seems like the place to go to look up anything you want and to get the answer handed to you immediately but for some the internet can be the gateway to unrealistic expectations for young adolescence’s striving for perfection in their lives.
For years, the perception of the perfect, ideal body image has distorted the minds of many young individuals with the help of social media. Technology has become so high tech and advanced and with the help of photo shop

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