
The For Young Boys From Hell 's Kitchen New York

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How would you feel if one act of immaturity defined the rest of your life? Not very good one would imagine. However it does happen and in this case it has happened to four young boys from Hell’s Kitchen New York. A simple idea of a funny prank on the local hot dog vender turned into a nightmare for the boys. Their prank got them charged with Criminal Negligence causing Bodily Harm, Theft and Mischief over $5,000. The boys were sentenced to a young boy’s home where they were sexually and psychically abused by the guards. Upon their release the boys were no longer the same. This is an example of how the retributive justice system failed. It failed because it did not deter future crimes from them. In Canada we would take a much more carful …show more content…

Specifically for youth Canada used to practise under a retributive system until they realised how wrong it was. With the new restorative justice system it gives youth a second chance. This is the philosophy of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). Giving youth a second chance is so important because it teaches youth to take responsibility for their actions. The four boys would be protected under the YCJA. The YCJA states that youth from twelve to seventeen years of age are protected under the act (Youth Criminal Justice Act, SC 2002). For starters despite the three serious charges they would not be tried as adults. Secondly, considering that the four boys are in fact first time offenders and have no previous records of crime. Also add the fact that they are not a danger to society and themselves the likelihood of incarceration are very unlikely. Under the Canadian Criminal Code of Canada (CCC) Criminal Negligence causing Bodily Harm is described as “Everyone who by criminal negligence causes bodily harm to another person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years” (Criminal Code, 1985 s221). Theft under the CCC is described as “everyone commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right takes, or fraudulently and without colour of right converts to his use or to the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent to deal

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