
The Forward Movement Of History

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The forward movement of history has a way of changing our view of a historical event. Such a case is found in World War I. While WWI was being fought, it was “The Great War” and the “war to end all wars.” So horrific and widespread was the war that no one at the end of the war could contemplate another world war with even greater barbarity and more casualties. Yet within a generation, The Great War had become not a final war, but Part 1 of the terrifying drama of World War. How could the world go from a “war to end all wars” to World War II, and in such a short time? Social disillusionment and uncertainly combined with economic depression resulted in unstable political conditions and the creation and adoption of new ideologies. These circumstances and beliefs led inevitably in one fateful direction—world war.
Disillusionment and uncertainly colored the post-Great War world. World War I introduced a new kind of warfare, driven by the advances of the industrial age. Machine guns, trench warfare, tanks, poison gas attacks, farm land turned into the pitted ruins of battlefields—the horrors of modern warfare shocked and frightened the world. Death reaped departed souls from Europe like a farmer during the most bountiful harvest of his life. Military and civilian casualties exceeded 37 million (over 17 million deaths and 20 million wounded) (Wikipedia). Such horrors left the world disillusioned and uncertain. Many wondered along with the soldier in All Quiet on the Western Front

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