
The Freedom Writers Diary By David Gruwell

Decent Essays

Have you ever been told you can't do something? Have you ever felt like the future holds no hope for you? That's how most of the students in The Freedom Writers Diary by the Freedom Writers and Erin Gruwell feel. Their whole lives have been nothing but teachers giving up on them, and even family not caring whether they reach anything. Most of them thought they would not even graduate high school. That is, until, Ms. Gruwell shows up. What she gives these students is growth from being people who don't know what they can do to becoming strong individuals who fully realize their potential and worth because she finally shows them what they can accomplish. When The Freedom Writers first join Ms. Gruwell’s class in their freshman year, they believe they are never going to go anywhere or become anything. The writer of Diary 9 writes, “There are too many opportunities …show more content…

Ms Gruwell writes, “Though their college plans led them in different directions, their common goals remained the same”(243). These students grew from believing they would not even graduate high school, to going to college. She also writes, “Not only are they still moving forward, they're pulling others along too”(243). The Freedom Writers have developed profusely in their four years of high school given the realization of their own potential and learning they can accomplish anything. In The Freedom Writers Diary these students start out as people who don't expect to go anywhere in life, most don't even expect to graduate high school. By the end of the book most of them do end up graduating high school, and many even go to college. What was expected of them had changed so much throughout only four years. The major theme of this book is growth from being people who don't know what they can do to becoming strong individuals who fully realize their potential and

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