
The Gap Between Vocal And Instrumental Instruction

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Throughout the beginning of music education, there has been a divide. A separation between the lands of vocalists and instrumentalists existed and still exists today. While it isn’t a conscience happening at all times, it can divide a music program into two separate entities. Figuring out how the two areas can coincide will ultimately get music educators on the right tracks for building an excelling program. When students feel that they can be in both and feel wanted in each area and not feel tension between the directors and the music choices, they can thrive. Removing the gap between vocal and instrumental instruction can be done by researching alike techniques and implementing the coinciding department into either program.
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With woodwind players, tone can be changed by simply changing the space in the throat and mouth. The same can be said of brass players, but one other aspect lies in the amount of space between the teeth. If enough space between the teeth is not present, especially with young brass players, an unpleasant buzzing sound will occur, once again hindering a beautiful tone. The directors of vocalists push and push for more space in the mouth and throat, especially with young singers that want to sound like the next greatest pop artist. The music performed in the context of concerts and contests at the high school and middle school level, however, need just the opposite.
The last way technique overlaps, is in the use of warmups, and technical exercises. Instrumentalists use these on a reoccurring basis for warmups before rehearsal. Scales are learned at a brisk tempo for auditions and at the collegiate level, technique books and extended technique exercises are studied. These are used to not only warm up air, but to also warm up the fingers and gain dexterity. For vocalists, similar processes occur. Before rehearsing, vocalists use warmups; most of which are based on scales, arpeggios and other theory points. They are used to warm up the voice, and get performers aware of their breathing and voice flexibility. All of these are extremely similar to their voice counterparts. Some

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