
The Gardens Of Democracy By Eric Liu And Nick Hanauer

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Analytical Essay
Throughout the world, many contemporary issues occur in the world of Politics. Democracy is also involved with several contemporary issues. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (2014), the word democracy is defined as a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections (Page 215). Like in many political parties, democracy faces several political issues throughout time. Political issues are issues that involves with the government or politics. This includes issues related to party politics, political system, or social, environmental or other issues as determined by the voting public. In Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer’s book The Gardens of Democracy (2011), it states that “the failure of American politics to address and solve the great challenges of our time such as climate change and shriveling of the middle class is not just a failure of will or nerve, but it is equally a failure of ideas and understanding” (Pages 5-6). Some political issues might also become important for the public for several reasons. They may represent daily issues, including racism and child welfare, or they may be issues that become noticeable in the public view. Some of the political issues that democracy faces include issues on abortion, gun control, and economy.
In democracy, there are several political issues that are

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